Bodyboarding with Daddy
On Tuesday, I was distracted by the waves that were rolling in during Pizza Night. There were tons of people out enjoying the sets out by “Walls” where we serve pizza. Keahi got it in her head that she wanted to go bodyboarding. RK has had a lingering rib injury so I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to happen. But she asked, and he said yes. Never underestimate the power of a father’s love for his daughter!
We rushed home and they quickly changed into their suits. They got in the water just as the sun was setting. I parked the car and walked over to the spot where I assumed they’d be. I thought they’d be close to shore. I was wrong! I scanned the water in an absolute panic. Thoughts of my little girl getting lost in that tumult filled my mind. What was I thinking?! Why did I let them go out there?…At night?! And then I saw the outlines of two heads– one next to the other. They had gone all the way out past the wall to the outside break!
They came out, shortly after I had found them, smiling and laughing. They both had had such a great time. It reminded me of all the times that my Dad used to take me out to that exact same spot. It had always been a special time for me. My heart swells with gratitude, knowing that one day she will look back on this night with the same fondness.
Ukulele Lessons and Tutu Time
Earlier in the week, the kids and I took a walk to Ala Moana. We were walking along when we spotted a store with walls covered in colorful ukuleles. The kids were intrigued and convinced me to stop and take a look around. I was equally intrigued when I found out that the kids were allowed and even encouraged to play the ukuleles! The kids were thrilled. As it turns out, this place offers free ukulele lessons. RK had been wanting to get our son an ukulele for a while now. He seems to show a great interest in all things musical and we wanted to give him an early introduction.
We ended up buying the kids their own ukuleles. They took their first lesson on Tuesday and on Wednesday they ended up playing with their great-grandmother! It was really precious to see them all sitting at the table playing their ukuleles while my Grandma Vivian sang. We’ve had the privilege of watching her every Wednesday. I’m hoping that ukulele time will become a regular part of their time with her.
The Hopeful Homeless Man
After church on Sunday, I ended up talking to a homeless man who was visiting our church for the first time. He had come to Pizza Night on Tuesday and several of the guys (one from our church and one from YWAM) had prayed for him. He told me that he had been homeless for less than a year and that before that he had had a home and an apartment. Somehow, he had fallen behind on his mortgage payments and lost his home. He had been in a deep depression when he showed up at Pizza Night. He went on to tell me that after he received prayer, he felt hope for the first time. He told himself that he needed to try again. He needed to get his life back. He was one of the first people at church on Sunday. He helped set up and clean up. He stayed to thank me. RK’s message had really resonated with him. He finally felt like he could take some steps in the right direction. He could put one foot in front of the other and make some changes.

We found a recipe for Keto Caramel!!! We didn’t even wait for it to cool before covering our homemade ice cream in it!
Hawaii is a special place. A paradise. When RK and I pray over our city, we often pray that people will rest with God. That they would see Him within the created world. If all creation speaks of the glory of God, then Hawaii is singing it out to the sounds of the ukulele. We see Him in the power of the crashing ocean waves. We see Him in the beauty of the sunset. We see Him in the love between father and child. We see Him in the kindness of strangers. We see Him.